Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Traby's Here!

So, while Traby and I are very similar in a lot of ways, we're pretty different gals.  I love to write and it's helpful, but for Traby sometimes, it gets her into the mire, but I'm glad she's popped in for some words!

I LOVE the mini-goals.  I might try that myself.  I'll put on my thinking cap tonight and decide what rewards might be motivating, besides the obvious ones like health, which sometimes seem so nebulous that they're hard to imagine.  I think that's a brilliant idea!  Woohoo!

My first week went well, in terms of making consistent choices and taking care of me-in-hunger which is my most vulnerable state.  Emotionally/spiritually however, I was a bit of a wreck.  There was also some PMS involved.  But I really see my coming down from sugar every day (many days 2-3 times a day!) as a kind of detox period.  Not sure my husband buys that, but it feels nearly as psychologically dangerous as I might imagine drugs or alcohol detox is.  I don't get the intense physical results of detox, but the feeling that I'm out there, in the world, naked without any tools is definitely something I feel.  I USE sugar.  I am a user.  And without it, the world feels a bit scary.  So resisting that temptation to use again, just for a moment of relief is pretty great.  I have to keep saying no to sugar and yes to myself, my real sugar-free self. 

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm Here, Too

Yep, like K I'm also trying once again to be more healthy and lose weight. I gained 12lbs since my last attempt, so my new goal is to lose 112lbs. Whew.

Last week was my first full week of eating mostly all whole foods, 3 meals a day plus one light snack, and almost no sugar. It went pretty well, and I got some good results, but I still haven't incorporated the excercise component. That starts this week. I signed up for a Community College class called "Aerobics for the Overweight and Out-Of-Shape." Perfect for me! I'm feeling some anxiety about going, but I'm hoping to find that it gets easier and easier the more I go. The first class is Wednesday night. Aside from that, daily brisk walks with my pup are the plan for getting some exercise. I bought a pair of tennis shoes, so I no longer have any excuses. I just have to do it.

I had a piece of cake after dinner last night and the rest of the night craving wise was very, very difficult. That was my first sugar for the week, and I'm thinking there's a definite connection there. Plus I have PMS. : ) All good stuff to look at as I move forward.

Oh, and I decided to break my big goal up into 4 mini goals of 28lbs each. I have rewards set for each quarter. They are:
- Lose 28lbs = a Pittsburgh weekend where I go to the museum one day and the Aviary the next.
- Lose 56lbs = a long weekend to visit my dear sister and her family in Florida.
- Lose 84lbs = a romantic night with my hubby at The Tara, the fancy resort-like B&B where we stayed on our wedding night.
- Lose 112lbs = a return trip to Hawaii to revisit our honeymoon spot!

Go, go, go! Museum and Aviary, here I come!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 3

So day 3 of....what shall we call this, the 2010 Reset Button Project?  Sure!  So, day 3 of the 2010 Reset Button Project has started off well.  Weight Watchers is such a great system for me, though it does involves numbers (calculations are done by the site!) I find that really being clear on how much I'm eating is helpful in being present with the idea of 'fueling' my body vs. using food as a coping mechanism. 

I picked up a cool magazine yesterday called GOOD and the whole issue is about slowing down.  Pretty good stuff and one of their suggestions about how we can slow down is by eliminating something (TV, sugar, cell phone, etc).  But what I loved about the advice, is that they focused on replacing that something with something else.  Since food is how I 'manage' or maybe, in other words, 'don't manage' I'm kind of left without skills.  Or maybe I'm left having to rely on dusty skills I neglect to use because I numb out with food so often.  Hmph.  This is tough - tough on my husband too!  My crankiness is tripled because of coming off of sugar AND not having that stuffed-full feeling to 'make it all better.'  And there have been 3 headaches so far this week, I'm sure that's the no-sugar feeling my body isn't quite used to.  But I'm hoping that will end. 

I AM feeling overwhelmed though - at home and at work, so the desire to escape is strong!  I'm hoping that some working-out at the Y.  I brought all my stuff to work today - we'll see if I can get there.  Have a bit of a busy day.  But I know it would help.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Chaos Always

There's never a good time, in terms of what's happening in life to get going with a diet, is there?  Life is always messy.  I think the more peace I can have with that, the better.  Anxiety has become a constant part of my life these days and I wonder if eating better and MOVING can help ease some of that.  I don't 'wonder' really, I know.  But I just joined weight watchers online AGAIN and am going to join the YMCA near our new house this afternoon.  Time to get moving.  I feel kind of sad, tired and defeated about it all which makes me feel even more sad, tired and defeated.  I just need to get onto that kindness wagon again.  Get some compassion.  Sometimes, it feels like the hardest thing in the world to get a little of that towards myself.  Maybe these 'acts' of WW and the YMCA will help.