Monday, January 11, 2010

Chaos Always

There's never a good time, in terms of what's happening in life to get going with a diet, is there?  Life is always messy.  I think the more peace I can have with that, the better.  Anxiety has become a constant part of my life these days and I wonder if eating better and MOVING can help ease some of that.  I don't 'wonder' really, I know.  But I just joined weight watchers online AGAIN and am going to join the YMCA near our new house this afternoon.  Time to get moving.  I feel kind of sad, tired and defeated about it all which makes me feel even more sad, tired and defeated.  I just need to get onto that kindness wagon again.  Get some compassion.  Sometimes, it feels like the hardest thing in the world to get a little of that towards myself.  Maybe these 'acts' of WW and the YMCA will help. 

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