Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Because it Helps

I'm posting a ton - which, is a good sign.  Much like how Traby said once that if she makes herself a cup of tea, it's a sign of her good mental-spiritual health.  I love that.  Mine is journaling (here and at my private blog) and dancing in my car.  So two in one day is a sign that I really am present this day.  I had a great lunch:

Which I had to share because the shot I took with my phone came out so well!  Sprouts, and hummus and avocado and turkey and muenster cheese and a few pretzels.  I had egg salad on an english muffin and great loose tea for breakfast with an orange as my mid-morning snack.  And I have a baggie of almonds and a banana for a mid-afternoon snack.  Some days, it is so easy and breezy.  Others, notsomuch.  But I expect that's because that's what life is truly like.  It's hard, as an addict, to roll with the punches.  Those punches just make me want ice cream!  So, on zero-punch days, I can take care of myself - the real job is taking care of myself after getting punched.  Finding new and viable ways to lick my wounds is key.  Some days a rerun of Glee works.  Some days reading in bed under an electric blanket on high.  Some days a nap.  Or a phone call.  Or a step outside to breath hot/cold/warm/fresh air.  There are many possibilities and each time I choose ANYthing other than sugar, I'm flexing a rather weak muscle and helping it grow big and strong.

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