Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wahoo for Us

Yep.  Day 5.  Now last night, I was pretty hungry.  So I had a bowl of rice krispies.  I didn't eat much dinner.  We had HUGE pork chops, some broccoli and rice and my father came over.  It wasn't my favorite dinner so I kind of picked at it.  I ate most of my chop, but not all the other stuff.  And we had pineapple for dessert.  So, a bowl of cereal and then Maki made some garlic bread and I had a few pieces.  Not bad. 
I was reading some OA literature last night (Maki's reading it too) about food plans.  Right now, 3 meals a day with 2 reasonable snacks seems to be working.  Perhaps when I feel a bit more stable, I can get more detailed?  Or maybe this is how it goes.  Because I know (putting my hand on my heart) what I need to eat.  Colorful food.  Smaller portions.  Less carby.  And if I can keep that in mind, maybe I can do this without all the details that make me feel deprived?  Who knows.  One day at a time.  And it's now day FIVE.

Also - I was reading all our past posts (we really posted a LOT!) and we are some wise, compassionate, brilliant, full-hearted women!  It's so comforting to read our words and be inspired by our own awarenesses.

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