Friday, March 21, 2008

Background on the New Start

Today, though yesterday would have been more appropriate, being the first day of spring and all, my best friend of 25 years (since we were 9, dang!) are embarking on getting real, getting healthy, losing weight, waking up, becoming aware, whatever you'd like to call it, we're going to finally do it. I find, that in my job (as a liberrian) and in my personal life (reading, movies, music, etc) some of the great online tools are just that, really helpful tools. And in my own reading, I've spotted some great blogs that I believe, have inspired me to begin this one (hopefully, with the help of aforementioned best friend, Traby.) For example, 60 in 3 which I feel is a very straight-forward, inspiring and educational blog that could really keep me motivated (just yesterday I was reading this post (where he links to some great tips on being healthy) as I was making dinner and decided to drink a big glass of cold water before eating! Definitely a few I've heard before, but all know some things just need to keep coming at us! And I think blogs and online tools are a great way to constantly surround ourselves with the information (that's customizable) that will keep us going. I know Traby and I have different triggers for eating (some the same though) and if we can be reminded in all kinds of ways each day about what we really want and how to get it, I think that can play a key role in our success.

Other tools I believe will help:
  • more blogs like Almost Vegetarian, Back in Skinny Jeans, Diet Blog, Elastic Waist, Shapely Prose and The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl all of which I subscribe to in my Google Reader and have been getting a feel for over the past several weeks.
  • Twitter: a tool I thought awfully useless until I began gathering followers and follow-ees. Makes a big difference. Not only are the fun people in my profession on there (there aren't that many!) but the gal from Skinny Jeans is there too!
  • 43Things: where you can create goals (big or small) and get reminders, support and the love from strangers we all crave online! I find other goals in my life often parallel my healthy-factor. Is my goal to buy myself my own Easter basket this year full of those deadly peanut butter chocolate eggs? Or, am I working toward meditating a little more each day? See what I mean? Looking at them altogether in a list-like formation, reminds me of the cool, complete person I am.

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