Monday, June 9, 2008

Two Days Sugar-Free

This is, in my world known, as a BIG THING. It's huge for me not to eat sugar on a daily basis. And sugar-free living brings its familiar feelings (deprivation, sadness, bitterness, jealousy etc.) and those are hard to figure out for me. But that nasty cloud of 'when will I ever figure this out??' has lifted. I need to continually remind myself about that part. It's tough to have a goal you've had for YEARS (and I mean over 1/2 of my life!) and every day not choose it. It's hard to find compassion for that. But I know that's the only path. Luckily, this week, I see my sweet therapist and am finally going to make room to talk about sugar and food and eating. I have my day's meals planned but work days are hard - sitting here at my desk without something to munch on. I have my water, a banana and some trail mix in case I can't stand it. Better than the chocolate that's ever-present in our office.

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