Thursday, April 3, 2008


I was just re-reading KB's post from Gettysburg, and I'm appreicating her mentioning the importance of breathing. It's a good reminder for me. When I really take a moment to notice my breath and bring consciousness to it, everything snaps back into perspective, no matter what state of mind I'm in. (Sometimes this takes a while, but still, it's a great tool.) I'm in my fourth year at a healing school, and my teacher often reminds us that when we inhale, we're actually nourishing ourselves...our whole bodies! We're consuming the air! And when we exhale, we're literally releasing what we don't need. I believe that this nourishing/releasing is happening on more than just a biological level. After all, we're more than just our bodies. Just by the simple act of "aware breathing," I can nourish my spirit, too. And I can feel full from breathing...the kind of "emotionally full" that I look to food to fill. So, thanks, KB, for that beautiful reminder...ahhhhhhh.

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