Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekend Window

It's Saturday morning and Traby is on her way over for our occasional Saturday morning breakfasts. It's such a good time to get together, the energy level has been renewed from a good Friday night's sleep (well, most weeks that's true!) and the busy-ness of the weekend hasn't yet begun. It's a delightful window to hang out with my super-gal!

This is a place we've breakfasted before (Coca Cafe in Lawrenceville) and it's got the most bed-and-breakfasty breakfasts ever! We weren't sure if we should return (danger!) but we both decided we could make healthy (non-sugar) decisions together. The place is so fun and funky and filled with good energy. Nothing like the old Eat-n-Park/Denny's atmospheres which never inspire much of anything!

I think we've both had a really good first week! More later...

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