Monday, April 21, 2008


So, I got to the gym. This is a big deal. When I left work at 4:01, though I managed to get into my workout clothes, I had a headache and cramps and was feeling weepy. So, as predicted, I did walk into the gym, weepy, yawning, slightly defeated. But I got there and did 30 minutes on the eliptical. I tell you though, it felt like 2 hours. I hate those workouts where the minutes tick by so slowly and my whole internal conversation for half-an-hour is 'ok, 1 more minute and then you can stop. Ok, one more minute' and so on. But, I did it. I didn't regret it. I never do. Not once have I ever gone to the gym, walked out and thought, 'damn, what a waste of time, wish I had stayed home and watched American Idol.' And though that's true, I can't seem to remember that sometimes. But, I did it. I'm hoping to go again tomorrow and perhaps get back to some strength training though this gym, that part is usually filled with muscle-y boys. Slightly intimidating. Am I not beyond that? Well, some days I am. Let's hope tomorrow's one of them.

Tonight's dinner was vegetarian-stuffed green peppers. Maki just finished (and I'm still reading) Michael Pollen's new book: In Defense of Food where, Pollen sums up the book in 3 short sentences: 'Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly Plants. ' Doesn't get much more clear than that. He makes quite a case for eating 'real food' and not 'food products' and I have to admit, it's a compelling argument. He says we've become a little too focused on 'nutrients' and not on food itself. At any rate, it's affected some of our food choices and we've decided to modify our eating by trying to eat totally vegetarian every other week. This is our first week. Tomorrow we're planning cheese sandwiches and soup (I have minestrone and he has onion soup from Whole Foods.) We also have an arugula pizza with goat cheese planned for later this week. Of course, Maki adjusts his diet in 2 small ways and loses 4 lbs in a week. Boys. (rolls eyes) But, it's nice to have him on board and thinking about what we put in our mouths. We both read through several of my vegetarian cookbooks tonight and flagged some possible dishes to cook. It was fun. Usually that's stuff I do alone - so it made me pretty thankful to have that sweet man in my life to share these kinds of things with.

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